
Amy has worked in Integrative Medicine, mostly with Oncology patients, since 2002, and currently is a full time employed Acupuncturist at the Memorial Healthcare Systems Integrative Medicine Division.

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Biomedicine of Breast Cancer      5 Hours - FL ‘Biomedicine’, and NCCAOM ‘Core’

Breast Cancer is unfortunately very prevalent in our patients. This interesting course will provide you a number of very useful aspects to better understand all the types and all the terminology. It will cover such things as the current surgical methods, reconstruction, staging, diagnostic methods and the day to day aspects of what a newly diagnosed Breast Cancer patient experiences.  It will provide clarity to those things most people have heard of (such as Estrogen Receptor status) but don’t adequately know the relevance or practical considerations of.  Includes comprehensive handouts that include the details of the talk, listings of the main terminology and interesting and useful images - everything from post surgery to actual PET and Ultrasound images.

Biomedical Aspects of Chinese Herbs      7 Hours - FL ‘Biomedicine’, and NCCAOM ‘Core’

(this is more hours than ‘required’ for renewal in FL or the NCCAOM, but don’t worry the extra hours are 100% usable as they roll over into “General” hours for FL, and “Core” hours for NCCAOM)

Inflammation, Adaptogens, Adrenals, Immune System,  Integrative Oncology,  Estrogen Dominance.  

These key medical concepts are covered in a clear and easy to understand manner.  Herbs that act on these issues are explained and detailed. The herbs are grouped by their biomedical action. This is a UNIQUE course offering information that is very important in the modern medical practice.

Top Herbs in Modern Integrative Practice                         4 Hours - FL ‘Biomedicine’, and NCCAOM ‘Biomedicine’

The focus of this seminar is to provide clinicians usable and practical information about the most important herbs in today’s integrated health care environment.  It provides in depth coverage of the biomedical actions of the most vital herbs in todays integrated world. Many of them are power houses - with features that lend themselves to many of the most common biomedical symptoms and conditions presenting in our practices.  With an emphasis on practical - this course is great for anyone that wants to take their use and understanding of herbs to the next level.

Unique to this seminar is the cross translational information and style - meaning that traditional usage and classifications will be cross explained with new modern biomedical uses and actions.  This material is applicable and relevant to anyone with any level of herbal knowledge and usage, from beginner right up to more advanced herbal prescribers.   Dozens of herbs are presented, covering a wide selection of organ systems, functions and tissues. Some examples:  digestion, inflammation, oxidation, infection and wound healing, stress, sleep, immune system, adrenals, thyroid, and surgery.

Adaptogens         3 Hours - FL ‘Biomedicine’, and NCCAOM ‘Biomedicine’

Adaptogens are a wonderful and useful collection of herbs.  Whether you are a sophisticated herbalist that uses complex or customized formulas, or someone that primarily uses simple and pre made herbal formulas, you need to know about Adaptogens.  Many of them stem from TCM herbal practice, and several key ones do not. But all of them are extensively researched and well classified in terms of their biomedical actions in the body. They serve several important roles in the modern health care setting. The material will enhance your use of them, whether you are new to the topic or already know about them.

This course provides a full understanding of what are Adaptogens, when and how to use them (alone or with Chinese herbs), the most important Adaptogens, detailed description of the biomedical actions and systems they work on, the “Stress Response” and H-P-A Axis,  where to get more information, articles, books, further reading and learning.